
Jaycie is 6 months old & Sadie is a big sister!

These two little girls are very special to me. Although we aren't related, they refer to me as "Auntie Heather". Their mother and I work together and over the years we have become very close. It has been a real joy of mine to be a part of their lives and watch them grow. This session is to showcase both children but it is also a special session for Jaycie...who on this particular day turned 6 months old! To view Jaycie when she was 4 days old click here.
 Now Sadie....she is such a big girl now...I can't believe she will be 5 soon!
 Jaycie is learning to sit up on her own. The photo to the right was one of her first attempts! I think she did quite well!
 Oh! What a sweetheart! Just look at those lips!
 If only we could hold on to this innocence forever.....

 Saved the best for last....my favorite.
Thank you Nicole for coming out to the boonies with the girls and battling with the gnats (ugh! and they were atrocious!), cows and other animals to pull off this amazing session. Love y'all !~Heather To see other photos from this session click here.


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