
The Gonsalves Family

This family was a lot of fun to photograph. The Gonsalves' have four children and they are all very unique. I just love their names: Erinity, Laikin, Jase and the newest addition at just one month old, Kyden. I was so proud of their daddy, Stephen, also. He has all of his children's names embroidered on his hat. How appropriate and special that he wore it for his family session! Now, it's hard to get a family with children this young to pull off a family portrait....but, I think we ended up with a couple of good ones! Enjoy!

Laikin and Erinity......
little Jase and his Daddy......
Erinity is a great big sister! Erinity, I know what it's like. I am the oldest of 12 and it was always a big responsibility for us "big sisters"! Erinity's mom, Nichole, also comes from a large family of seven children so we have a lot in common with this big family stuff! It means alot now but it will mean a whole lot more later on in life!
Baby Kyden......
here's Dad rockin his hat with his youngest son.....I love this pic!

Erinity was excited to demonstrate some of her moves!!
I absolutely adore this next photo.....so pure.

Steven and Nichole, you have a wonderful young family and I am so honored to be the one to photograph and capture this moment in time for you and your family! I know these photographs will be treasured by you for a lifetime. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day Nichole!


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