
The Williams Family

These good lookin' folks are my kin. My Aunt Cheryl, who is my moms sister, asked me to come and photograph her with her children and grandchildren. They live all over the place but were going to all be together on this particular day...good Friday. I was thrilled, of course, to see them and spend a little time with them.  Here are the Grandkids.....Madison, Laura Kate, Chase and Blaine.

My lovely Uncle Terry and Aunt Cheryl.

Blaine, you are such a trip! Thank you for posing it up for me in these next shots......
Blaine wanted to use my camera to take a few snapshots....I think he did pretty good. Now, I was having a really bad hair day but I couldn't resist posting these to show the fun we had! I don't play the guitar.....but we won't tell anyone that!
Laura Kate wanted to get in on some photog action as well....here's her handy work! Again, this shows the absolute fun we had.

Thank you all so much for such a great time! I miss and love all of you dearly. Can't wait to see you all again real soon! ~Love Heather


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